The Covenant Pet Trust Community Pet Food Bank provides supplement meals for nearly 900 needy pets monthly! We are so proud to be able to offer this much needed service to our community. To us providing pet food to our indigent community is more than just handing out bags of food. It’s about building relationships that will allow us to better serve underprivileged pet owners and improve the lives of their pets. By building these trusting relationships we can open minds and hearts to humane education, assist with placement of unwanted puppies, provide much needed transportation and funds for low cost spay/neuter and vaccines.
But we can’t do it alone. We give thanks daily for our great working relationship with North Florida Animal Rescue and Director Heather Keeler. The low cost services NFAR provides allows us to be able to develop a happier and healthier community through our Pay It Forward & CPT Community Cats TNR Program.
And, last but not least there is YOU! Without your donations of pet food, we would not be able to build these trusting relationships and provide the care that these pets so desperately need. So you see, by donating to the CPT Community Pet Food Bank you’re not just “feeding someone else’s pet”. You are preventing unwanted litters of puppies and kittens, teaching compassion, giving hope and easing the suffering of many litters born to the pets of indigent pet owners.
We truly appreciate those of you who have supported our pet food bank in the past, and we ask those of you who have not supported us to consider donating to the CPT Community Pet Food Bank.
Dog and cat food is provided for pets of the homeless and indigent every Saturday from 9:30 -10:30 at the Cleopatra Steele Mission located at 127 W Escambia St, Lake City, FL 32055 or upon request at the Christian Service Center located at 441 NW Washington St., Lake City, FL 32055


Covenant Pet Trust Inc. is a 501c3 organization